March 2, 2016


The Simulation Centre at Queen’s Hospital was built 10 years ago to deliver clinical education integrating human factors and non technical skills.

With support from the Trust along with funding from the delivery of the then novel ALERT course the centre was built and stocked with cutting edge high fidelity mannequins.

Over the ten years the centre has been open the technology has evolved as has the style of the simulation based education we deliver.
We deliver education to a wide variety of undergraduate and post graduate / registration learners.
Attached to a District General Hospital we take opportunities to deliver point of care simulation education and have an expertise in delivering large scale simulations to explore team effectiveness and process resilience.

We have a long and happy relationship with Laerdal and their products, using a variety of mannequins, including two 3G simulators. We were early adopters of the ‘simpad’ and its use with live actors.

Some team members have an interest in video capture and the use of video in debriefing and performance analysis. We use Studiocode software for this purpose.